Digital December

Digital December's new album coming out called "City Of Night" is based off the city of Oslo, Norway. Its about nature, city life, peace, emotion, and Norway.


Please leave your comments! Feed back from (YOU!) "the listener" is very important in change and ideas for the next song/album. So please leave your comment it is appreciated.

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Digital December: Gene- Electronica/Dance Members: Zack- Keyboards/Vocals "We've Built our world on a foundation of sand." - "City Lies"

Digital December Info.

This is |DIGITAL|DECEMBER| It is a Electronic band that sings about the dangers and problems that we blinding look over everyday. It sings about Nature, Life, and Emotion. All of these things make up what our "Pop" culture, and society today. The blindness that we face and put off either because we don't want to think about it or we never even knew it. The path of destruction that we're craving through this delicate planet. Our small little paragraph in the book of "Earth" has done more damage then any other species that ever existed. We are Human Beings. So lets live up to our title of "Beings" and do something about this problem we face. Don't put it off any longer today is the day to realize our bleak future if we don't turn our actions around and work towards a future that is logical. ~Digital December

Welcome to the new Digital December website. Enjoy some of the features that are shown and will be displayed soon. thank you for coming, don't forget to leave a comment, and stop by every now and then to check up on how the new album is coming along.

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